I have had the privilege to work for Chuck and Cynthia Swindoll at Insight for Living Ministries from 2006-2017. I now help non profits and churches with their digital strategies as a consultant. Working with the Swindolls has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. I love this couple and their family.

Chuck and Cynthia Swindoll


Todd with Chuck and Cynthia Swindoll


I am blessed to work with amazing people in the Communications Department and work beside talented peers in the US and abroad. insight for Living with Chuck and Cynthia Swindoll touches so many lives.

With Bill and Wayne


Insight for Living US Staff


I also get to travel quite a bit to our offices around the globe.  Working with pastors, executive directors, and staff who work hard at their craft and are committed to their passion of Bible teaching.