Helping Pastors Fundraise for their God Sized Ministries

Online Giving Moments that Work

Pastors, online giving and fundraising for churches is not uncharted territory. There are simple, proven methods to increase generosity and to engage church members online.  Get your church’s digital team rowing to the right lighthouse… one that will engage your flock and increase online generosity to fuel your God sized mission. Grow your ministry and fund your church’s mission today. Fundraising for church has never been easier. Church fundraising ideas for your ministries are at your doorstep.

Church fundraising ideas, fundraisers for churches, online giving, raising funds for ministries… doesn’t sound like the place pastors want to spend their time, yet we all want the result and reach of healthy, funded ministries. God funds HIS ministries. It’s just a matter of how and when you ask. Church staff and volunteers are frequently looking for fundraiser ideas… spending time with bake sales, car washes, garage sales, when the answers are generally much simpler. Don’t try another church fundraiser until you learn how to raise money online for your ministries.

Simplify Your Online Moments

Download your Free Copy for Pastors

Hate social media?

This is your complete playbook to navigating the online world WITHOUT wasting time on useless social strategies.

If 85% of your flock is online, you should be too.

I’ll help you get there.

No fluff and zero gimmicks — just the rock-solid advice that’s been helping my clients for over two decades.

Free Webinar

In this Free Webinar I will show your church staff…

Why you don’t have to spend tons to find new givers or keep the ones you have.

Simple methods to align your staff and vendors to row to the same simple goal(s)

How to navigate the ever-changing digital landscape, so your organization stands out and excites current donors.

How the executive teams I work with are winning back 5, 10, even 15+ hours a week for themselves.

How to gain confidence that the ROI of your digital efforts are being used in good stewardship to your board and donors.

And, how to do all this, while gaining maximum exposure for their organization and funding their God-sized mission.

Church Fundraisers

ClickFunding Course: Empower Your Ministry to Thrive Online

Discover the proven strategies to amplify your mission and increase generosity with the ClickFunding Course—a step-by-step guide designed specifically for churches and Christian non-profits. This comprehensive course equips you with the tools and knowledge needed to create powerful online fundraising campaigns that inspire, engage, and drive results.

Who is Todd Turner

Todd Turner has been blessed to weave his life and skill sets into Christian organizations around the world. From church fundraising to helping pastors navigate their giving moments.

Since 1996, Todd has been helping churches and non profits utilize the power of the internet to expand their missions and ministries.

His passion is helping leaders navigate their organization’s digital strategies and assist in creating a digital lighthouse their teams can row towards.

After being asked by hundreds and hundreds of executive directors and pastors for best practices, Todd created 2 helpful, online solutions to ensure that small to mid-sized Christian organizations can move the needle in collecting new supporters and increasing online donations to fund their God-Sized missions.

Todd Turner

Helping Ministries Grow and Go